Chinese Vet Seminar – From Home to the Vet A Comprehensive Guide

Lady N’s First Online Seminar

We successfully held LADY N’s first online seminar on August 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM (PT). We were honored to have Dr. Chiang, a well-known veterinarian, join us to provide an in-depth discussion on how to monitor your fur baby’s health through daily observation, as well as sharing unique tips based on his experience in the United States. The seminar attracted more than 100 paw parents, who actively participated and learned valuable fur baby care knowledge. Lady N looks forward to organizing more seminars to continue learning with paw parents, ensuring that our fur babies are happier and healthier.

LADY N 的首次線上講座

我們於 2024 年 8 月 21 日下午 6:00(太平洋時間)成功舉辦了 LADY N 的首次線上講座。本次活動非常榮幸邀請到知名的蔣醫師,為我們深入講解如何通過日常觀察來關注毛孩的健康狀況,並分享了些在美國看診的獨到技巧。這場講座吸引了超過100 位家長共同參與,大家熱情投入,從中學習了許多實用的寵物護理知識。Lady N也期望能繼續辦理相關講座,和家長們一起學習照顧毛孩的知識,讓毛孩們過得更幸福快樂。


Seminar Review Video

Exclusive to participants of the August 21 event. Please enter the password to watch.

